Αὐτόγραφη ἐπιστολή μέ τήν ὑπογραφή του («C. Gordon Urquhart») πρός τά μέλη τοῦ Νομοθετικοῦ Σώματος, σχετικά μέ ἐπιστολή πού περιεῖχε κατηγορίες ἐναντίον του.
Τιμή εκτίμησης: € 200 - 3003 σελίδες, 334 x 221 mm. • «... I have the honor of laying before You the copy of a letter on the part of the Government signed by a Mr Londos [...] I demand, Gentlemen, as a right which cannot be justly refused to me, that my accusors should be brought forward and confronted with me, and if the Government has any regard for its own honor it will feel equally interested in bringing to punishment the individuals who have so grossly deceived it...»