Cyprus. No. 2 (1880). Report by Her Majesty’s High Commissioner for the year 1879.
Τιμή εκτίμησης: € 800 - 1.2008ο, iv + 345 σ. Δερμάτινη ράχη τῆς ἐποχῆς τῆς ἔκδοσης (μικρές φθορές, χαλαρωμένες οἱ συνδέσεις). Ioannou, σ. 220. [δεμένο μαζί:] Cyprus. Report by Her Majesty’s High Commissioner for 1881, (in continuation of [C.-3092.] of August 1881), [κάτω ἀριστερά:] [C.-3385.] Price 6d. Λονδίνο, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1882. • 8ο, 95 σ. Ioannou, σ. 220. [δεμένο μαζί:] Cyprus. Report by Her Majesty’s High Commissioner for 1882, (in continuation of [C.-3385.] of August 1882), [κάτω ἀριστερά:] [C.-3772.] Price 6½d. Λονδίνο, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1883. • 8ο, 100 σ. [δεμένο μαζί:] Cyprus. Report by Her Majesty’s High Commissioner from 1st January 1883 to 31st March 1884 (in continuation of [C.-3772.] of August 1883), [κάτω ἀριστερά:] [C.-4188. Price 6d. Λονδίνο, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1884. • 8ο, 91 σ.